2011 News Archive
2 December 2011
Mirkin Talks Next Generation Antibiotics with NPR
For NPR’s Science Friday, Professor Chad Mirkin talks about the International Institute for Nanotechnology’s efforts to stave off the threat of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
29 November 2011
Professor Odom Receives the 2011 ACS Akron Section Award
As part of a double seminar on November 29th, Professor Teri W. Odom was presented with the ACS Akron section’s annual award.
21 November 2011
Professor Ratner selected as the ACS 2012 Willard Gibbs Medalist
For “eminent work in and original contributions to pure or applied chemistry, deemed worthy of special recognition,” Professor Mark A. Ratner is the 101st recipient of the Gibbs Medal.
18 November 2011
Chemistry Alumnus inducted into the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame
Canadian Senator and Chemistry Alumnus Kelvin K. Ogilvie was inducted into Science and Engineering Hall of Fame by the Canadian Science & Technology Museum.
14 November 2011
Special ANSER Center Seminar with Prof. Nate Lewis
Professor Nathan S. Lewis of the California Institute of Technology will be speaking at a special ANSER Center seminar Thursday, November 17th, 1PM in Tech L211. For more information contact Ms. Katy Pitt at 847-467-4910.
11 November 2011
The Novartis Lecture in Organic Chemistry
Dr. John Tallarico, Director of the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, opens with his talk at 3PM, followed by Prof. Scott E. Denmark, of UIUC, at 4PM - both in Tech L211.
31 October 2011
Aldrich Inorganic Award: Professor Robert Cava
The ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry will be presented to Professor Robert J. Cava of Princeton University Friday, November 4th, 4PM in Tech LR3
19 October 2011
Omar Farha Receives the 2011 Safety Award
For unparalleled acts of heroism, the University honored Research Associate Professor Omar Farha with the 2011 Safety Award during a luncheon in Hardin Hall October 10th.
14 October 2011
Fred Basolo Medal for Outstanding Research in Inorganic Chemistry 2011
This year’s Basolo Medal recipient is Gregory J. Kubas of Los Alamos National Laboratory. Refreshments will be serve beginning at 4:30 in Tech LR3 followed by the special seminar at 4:50pm.
11 October 2011
Crystalline Porous Materials: NU100
Chris Wilmer and Omar Farha directed the following movie that shows the self assembly of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and their potential use for high density methane storage.
3 October 2011
1st Annual Omar Farha Award for Research Leadership
The Inaugural 2011 Award recognizes Research Associate Professor Omar Farha for his leadership, high standards, creativity and his responsible and rapid response to crisis.
8 September 2011
Chemistry Hosts the NSF-CRC Fifth Symposium on DNA Photonics
Monday, September 19th, The day-long symposium will be located in Ryan Hall Room 4003 beginning at 8AM. Keynote lecture by Prof. Ferdinand Grozema, Delft University of Technology at 4PM.
27 September 2011
Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences Lecture
Tobin Marks received the 2011 Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences and gave a lecture entitled “Catalysis at the Intersection of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Biology.”
21 September 2011
Five Years of Synthesis in the K-Wing
Regan Thomson delivers his Tenure Seminar this Friday, September, 23rd in the Pancoe Auditorium, 4PM.
28 September 2011
Mirkin Receives ACS Award for Creative Invention
Chad A. Mirkin earned the ACS Award for Creative Invention for inventing the polyvalent nucleic acid nanoparticle conjugate, which established the field of nanoparticle-based biodiagnostics and formed the technological foundation for Nanosphere’s Verigene System.
28 September 2011
Hoffman Wins the 2012 Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Chemistry
Brian M. Hoffman earned the 2012 Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Chemistry. He developed ENDOR spectroscopy as central in determining metalloenzyme catalytic mechanisms, with hardly a major problem to which his skills have not been applied.
7 September 2011
Stoddart Postdoc Elected as Inaugural Member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland
Dr. Ross Forgan was chosen as one of the first members of the new Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland, established to bring together some of the most able and innovative young academics and professionals in Scotland.
6 September 2011
Michael Wasielewski Wins the 2012 ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award
Professor Michael R. Wasielewski has won the 2012 Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award of the American Chemical Society for discovering fundamental insights into the relationship between organic supramolecular structure and the dynamics of energy and electron transfer.
25 August 2011
Northwestern Chemistry Alumni and Friends Reception
Please join us for a reception during the American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting in Denver Tuesday, August 30, 2011 6:00-8:00 PM – Morley-Brown Room, Wynkoop Brewing Company. For more info call Teri Collins at 847-467-3946.
16 August 2011
Four Northwestern University Chemistry Professors Named As ACS Fellows
Professors James Ibers, Frederick Lewis, Thomas Meade and Richard Silverman are all to be honored at the society’s fall national meeting in Denver later this month.
5 August 2011
Antonio Facchetti Named as One of the World’s Top 100 Materials Scientists
Thomson Reuters released data identifying the world’s top 100 materials scientists who achieved the highest citation impact scores for their publications since January 2000.
26 July 2011
Daniel Cohen Receives ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship
Daniel Tzvi Cohen, a fourth year graduate student in Professor Karl Scheidt’s laboratory, has been awarded a Division of Organic Chemistry fellowship for 2011-2012.
18 July 2011
Marks and Mirkin Group members attended the GRC in Organometallic Chemistry
The Mirkin Group’s Alex Spokoyny Chairs a Seminar on Organometallic Chemistry at the Gordon Research Conference which is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.
15 July 2011
Mirkin Testifies on Capitol Hill About Need for Nanotechnology
Prof. Chad Mirkin warned the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation of the need for continued investment in Nanotechnology Research in order for the U.S. to keep its edge in the field and to grow the economy.
5 July 2011
Elad Harel Joins Department as Assistant Professor
Elad Harel, joins the department of chemistry following a postdoctoral stint with Greg Engel at the University of Chicago. Harel’s research focuses on developing methods to attack extremely complicated problems in biology and chemistry using coherent spectroscopies.
24 June 2011
Four Chemistry Graduate Students Win Dow Innovation Prize
Winners of the Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge include Odom Group members Mark Huntington, Nishant Patni, and James Riley, along with Marianne Lalonde of the Hupp Group.
21-23 June 2011
The Bender Lectures 2011
Prof. K. N. Houk of UCLA is this year’s speaker in the Myron L. & Muriel S. Bender Distinguished Lectures in Organic Chemistry.
21 June 2011
IYC hits prime-time TV on Jeopardy!
Jeopardy!, one of North America’s leading syndicated game shows, will feature questions related to the 2011 International Year of Chemistry in the episode that aired June 21.
20 June 2011
Chemistry Welcomes New Director of Finance and Administration
A warm welcome to Daniel Fisher, our new Director of Finance and Administration, who brings with him terrific experience to help
manage the department’s financial, human resources, facilities, safety and research-administration related operations.
2 June 2011
Laying the Foundation for Cancer Treatment
Northwestern chemists have synthesized a new form of DNA. Chad Mirkin led the research that could be used to create new gene regulation therapies.
31 May 2011
Chemistry Graduate Student Receives WCAS Teaching Award
Olga Karagiaridi was one of three recipients of the 2011 Weinberg College Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award at a ceremony Wednesday, May 31st.
6 May 2011
Tobin Marks receives Dreyfus Prize in Chemical Sciences
For his pioneering studies in catalysis, Professor Marks will receive $250,000, one of the largest awards dedicated to the chemical sciences in the United States.
5 May 2011
Fred Northrup Receives WCAS Teaching Award
The Weinberg College has awarded Fred Northrup the 2010-11 Teaching Award for Outstanding Freshman Advising Awards.
20 April 2011
Chad Mirkin Named AAAS Fellow
Chemistry’s Chad Mirkin joins two other Northwestern faculty elected to one of the nation’s most prestigious honorary societies.
19 April 2011
Emerging Opportunities in Nanostructured Semiconductors (EONS) 2011 Workshop, June 2-3
Thursday, June 2 and Friday, June 3, 2011: Norris Center - Louis Room.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring leaders engaged in cutting edge research in the field of energy conversion and the physics of narrow gap semiconductors to overview recent developments and discuss future directions and opportunities. Organizers: Mercouri Kanatzidis and Vinayak Dravid.
6 April 2011
Chemistry Students win NSF Fellowships and 9 Honorable Mentions
Congratulations to the eight Chemistry graduate and three undergraduate students who have been awarded NSF Fellowships this year. Nine other students received Honorable Mentions for their applications.
4 April 2011
CLP Lambert Fellows Program for sophomores and juniors majoring in Chemistry
The CLP Lambert Fellows Program is designed to provide multi-year funding for hands-on laboratory research for rising sophomores and juniors majoring in Chemistry under the mentorship of CLP faculty members.
17 March 2011
Northwestern University Supports Earth Hour
Join the millions of Americans who will turn out their lights on March 26 from 8:30 - 9:30 PM. Last year a record 128 countries and territories joined the global display of climate action.
4 March 2011
Alex Spokoyny Selected for ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Young Investigator Award
Alex Spokoyny, a fifth year graduate student with Chad Mirkin, has been selected for one of the Young Investigator Awards sponsored by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. As an awardee, Alex will be giving an award presentation at the 2011 Fall ACS meeting in Denver and will receive $1000 and a plaque. Congratulations Alex!
7 February 2011
Madeleine Jacobs to deliver Kreeger Wolf Lectures
Madeleine Jacobs, CEO of the American Chemical Society, will deliver the Kreeger Wolf lectures on February 24th 4 pm in Tech LR5 and February 25th 4 pm in Tech LR4.
26 January 2011
Professor Mirkin featured on NOVA
Chad Mirkin of chemistry and materials science was featured in a recent episode of NOVA, where he discusses basic elements of nanotechnology. Mirkin’s remarks begin 34 minutes and 29 seconds in.
14 January 2011
Weinberg College Investiture Celebration of Three Endowed Chairs
On January 14th The Department of Chemistry celebrated the investiture of three endowed chairholders: Kenneth Poeppelmeier, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry ; Fraser Stoddart, Board of Trustees Professor of Chemistry; and Michael Wasielewski, Clare Hamilton Hall Professor of Chemistry.
12 January 2011
NU Chemistry-Chicago Art Institute Work featured on Big Ten Network Today
Today! NSF’s “Science360” is featuring a Big Ten Network piece on the Northwestern-Art Institute collaboration.
1 January 2011
2011 is the International Year of Chemistry
The International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC 2011) has a theme of “Chemistry-our life, our future,” and it will focus on the “achievements of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humankind.”