Make a Gift

Making A Gift
Your contributions sustain critical research, fuel breakthroughs, and empower the next generation of scientific leaders by supporting graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, equipping new faculty labs, and funding upgrades to our analytical equipment and facilities.
Since the online giving site is University-wide, we ask that you remember to designate your gift to the Department of Chemistry. As always, our greatest need is our Annual Fund. Annual Fund gifts are discretionary so that the Chair of the Department can direct your contribution to our most pressing concerns and items where no other funds are available to use.
Giving Options
- You can submit an online gift by visiting the Alumni Relations and Development giving page.
- You can phone in your gift by calling (800) 222-5603. Please be sure to mention that you would like your gift designated to Chemistry.
- You can mail your gift to Chemistry.
Please send your contribution made out to Northwestern University Department of Chemistry to:
Northwestern University
Alumni Relations
Department of Chemistry
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113