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Fataftah, Wang, and Peters selected for PPG 4th Year Fellowship

February 2, 2018

Majed Fataftah, Shunzhi Wang, and Aaron Peters have been selected as recipients of the PPG 4th year Fellowship for excellence on your Original Research Proposal. Thanks to a generous donation from PPG, the Fellowship will fund these three students at a rate of $2,700 month for the Fall quarter.  The student will also have a $1,900 professional development allotment to use. The funds may be used for any broadly defined, career-related costs such as travel to conferences, books and supplies, professional society dues, computer hardware and software and research expenditures.  Students were nominated based on their ORP and selections were made via a faculty committee.


(Left to Right: Majed Fataftah, Aaron Peters, Shunzhi Wang)