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Welcome to our Summer Newsletter! This academic year has been a challenging one for higher education, and Northwestern Chemistry has worked hard to adjust and respond to changes on campus. As is our want, though, we wrapped up a full year and celebrated appropriately. Our graduate students continue to impress with their research, recognition with national fellowships, and College teaching awards. Our staff were also honored by the College for their dedicated service. Our teaching-track faculty kept the pace, and for the third straight year, they received a College teaching award. Moreover, faculty were elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and were very recently recognized as a recipient of the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience. And so, we wrap up this year! This newsletter will be my last as Chair—I’ve been grateful for the opportunity to share with you quarterly how the department is leading in research solutions to address urgent problems in energy, sustainability, and medicine; how our graduate training program is evolving and supporting student success; and how our world-class IMSERC facility and (near annual!) acquisition of leading-edge instrumentation sets us apart. As readers of our happenings, I’m sure that you can appreciate the complexity of Northwestern Chemistry. I hope that you are proud to be part of and will continue to contribute to our community.
Teri W. Odom, Department Chair
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Select highlights from the Department's recent research