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Picture of Professors Sam Gellman and Neil Kelleher  
Professor Samuel H. Gellman (University of Winsconsin-Madison) presented the Myron L. and Muriel S. Bender Distinguished Summer Lectures in Organic Chemistry on 25-26 July 2019. 

Lecture 1: Peptidic Foldamers: Extrapolating from Proteins. 

Lecture 2: Impact of Backbone Modifications on Informational Properties of Polypeptides.


Picture of Professors Geri Richmond and George Schatz  
Professor Geraldine Richmond (University of Oregon) presented the Malcolm Dole Distinguished Lectures in Physical Chemistry on 8-9 August 2019.


Lecture 1: The Surface of Water: It's Role in Environmentally Important Processes.

Lecture 2: Mulling over Nanoemulsions: Interfacial Molecular Structure, Assembly and Stabilization. 

Picture of Professors Daniel Gamelin and Danna Freedman 
Professor Daniel R. Gamelin (University of Washington) presented the James A. Ibers Summer Lectures in  Inorganic Chemistry on 21-23 August 2019. 

Lecture 1: Magnetic Quantum Dots.

Lecture 2: Degenerately Doped Colloidal Quantum Dots.

Lecture 3: Solar Quantum Cutting and Spectral Downconversion using Doped Metal-Halide Perovskite Semiconductors. 

Picture of Professors Sarpong and NUBonD's committee  
Professor Richmond Sarpong (University of California, Berkeley) presented the Faces of Science Seminar, hosted by NUBonD, on 31 July-1 August 2019. 

Lecture 1: A Life Shaped by Diseases and Medicines in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Lecture 2: Break-it-to-Make-it Strategies for Complex Molecule Synthesis.