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In Memoriam

James ibersPioneer in structural inorganic chemistry, James A. Ibers, dies at age 91

by Mercouri G. Kanatzidis

Prof. James A. Ibers, a long-time faculty member in our Department, was a pioneer in the field of structural coordination and inorganic chemistry. During his career he was recognized by the American Chemical Society Award in Inorganic Chemistry and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences.

Jim brought the science and art of X-ray crystallography to inorganic chemistry, making the structural determination of molecular metal complexes a foundation of the field.  By the mid-1960s, he was one of the very few who saw the unlimited potential of X-ray diffraction for characterizing the structure and bonding of inorganic compounds, even though it posed an intrinsically more difficult problem than many organic structures. 



royce Murray image

Notable alum Royce W. Murray passes away at age 85

Royce W. Murray graduated from Northwestern University in 1960.  Directly after receiving his doctorate from Northwestern he moved to North Carolina to teach analytical chemistry. His research and publications have made University of North Carolina's analytical chemistry program one of the best in the nation. He specialized in electrochemistry and the chemistry of new materials. He introduced the concept of chemically-modified electrodes, tools that are important as chemical sensors and fuel cells and in solar energy conversion. He also has done research in electron transfer kinetics and catalysis, solid-state electrochemistry, and nanostructures. He was a Kenan professor of Chemistry, member of the National Academy of Sciences, and editor of Analytical Chemistry. He was also a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He won UNC’s Thomas Jefferson Award in 2001. The quadrangle in the UNC science complex is named in his honor.