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Center for Chemical Innovation

Northwestern to lead a new NSF Center for Chemical Innovation


CRISPR gene editingDiscovery broadens scope of use of CRISPR gene editing

DNADNA gives colloidal crystals shape-shifting and memory abilities

Mars bacteriaMicrobes may have survived for millions of years beneath the Martian surface

Perkovite solar cellNew solar cell breaks records for efficiency and voltage

Gene Loss Gene loss enhances metastasis and cancer progression


people behind the sciencePioneering Advanced Mass Spectrometry for Proteomics and Metabolomics (Ep. 679)

Featuring Neil Kelleher

lab rats to unicornsLab Rats to Unicorns (Ep. 24)

Featuring Shana Kelley

qu stoddart Nano Research and Its Future Prospect (Ep. 11)

Featuring Fraser Stoddart