With a novel recycling process, Northwestern researchers break down and rebuild polyurethane to make new foam

Novel process could enable water treatment facilities to leverage sustainable urea production

Wireless technology senses warning signs up to three weeks earlier than current methods

Cross-field expert to help further Northwestern sustainability research

New material could be superior detector for X-rays at large synchrotron facilities

Project receives ARPA-H contract worth $45 million over five-and-a-half years

The work emphasized the unique properties that nanoscale structures can exhibit compared to bulk materials

Using humidity-powered technology, researchers found several new ions that facilitate low-energy carbon sequestration

Nanoelectronic device performs real-time AI classification without relying on the cloud
Researchers track spin filtration phenomenon in standalone chiral molecules

An engineered version of the pigment boosts healing and may prevent sunburns in the first place

An interdisciplinary approach combining advanced spectroscopy and cryo-electron microscopy pinpoints the active site of nature’s methane oxidation catalyst.
A more effective way of creating nanotherapeutic vaccines and medicines has been developed.

Researchers improve cell efficiency using a combination of molecules to address different issues

New devices were tested on a range of patients, from premature babies to the elderly

Northwestern University Researchers Engineer Colloidal Quasicrystals Using DNA-Modified Building Blocks

The proteomimetic polymers could help fight a leading cause of blindness

Fishing nets, carpet, clothing break down without leaving harmful byproducts behind

Researchers create automated technique for imaging and identifying proteoforms in ovarian cancer tissue