Celebrating Stoddart: Student Reflections
Tim Li, a chemistry major from Wuhan, China, is an undergraduate researcher in the Farha Group, where he constructs porous functional materials using unconventional ligands. He began his research career in the Stoddart Lab, working on the synthesis of novel MOF ligands. His mentor is Xianhui Tang, a postdoctoral researcher in the Farha Group.
What inspired you to choose Northwestern University?
In 2021, I was in my Sophomore year in high school when the Stoddart group at Northwestern University published their groundbreaking discovery on mechanisorption. I read their article published in Science and was immediately intrigued by the fundamental research that Fraser and his group were carrying out. I was also later introduced to research on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), by which Northwestern’s Chemistry Department is known for.
How would you describe the undergraduate program in chemistry at NU?
It is challenging yet rewarding. Professors have high expectations, and coursework can feel very intense time after time. That being said, the undergraduate chemistry program here certainly gave me a better idea of what scientific research is like and better prepared me for future more in-depth research in graduate school. There are plenty of research opportunities open to undergrads, and the professors care a lot about their students and want them to succeed.
You’ve worked in the Stoddart Lab and now the Farha Group as an undergraduate. What has your experience as an undergraduate researcher been like? What advice would you give to others looking to get into research?
Fraser told me: research is NOT a bowl of cherries. He was right. Experiments in chemistry are often challenging, unpredictable, and often humbling, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Working in the Stoddart Lab, I was given the chance to explore freely the specific project I want to work on and was lucky enough to find one through a serendipitous discovery after multiple failures and setbacks. And that’s the second pro-tip: don’t let go any serendipitous discoveries, as many concepts in modern chemistry was discovered by serendipity. Right now, in the Farha Group, I’ve continued to unveil my serendipitous discovery with the help from a diverse group of postdocs, graduate students and undergrads. I have always appreciated the level of diversity in the Farha group: we have over 40 people coming from different backgrounds with a wide range of expertise, and I can almost always find help when needed. That’s the third thing I learnt through research, using Fraser’s words again: Diversity and creativity come together like fish and chips.
How has Fraser Stoddart’s legacy of innovative, interdisciplinary science influenced your approach to education?
Fraser’s ability to combine creativity with rigorous scientific inquiry still inspires me to approach learning and research with a creative mind and a collaborative spirit. One of his favorite mottos was to try to tackle a “BIG PROBLEM”. While the education and skills I currently have are nowhere near the level required to tackle such challenges in research, his philosophy has taught me to aim high, face challenges, and embrace “BIG PROBLEMS” in my future research.
Another thing Fraser often emphasized is the importance of communication and collaboration in the modern scientific community. Throughout his career, he showed that his groundbreaking discoveries are rarely achieved in isolation but instead through inclusive teamwork, interdisciplinary collaboration, and effective communication of ideas. This has encouraged us to actively seek collaboration, value diverse perspectives, and always be open to learning from others.
What hobby or activity helps you nurture the creativity and curiosity essential for your work in chemistry?
Skiing while blasting classic rock in my headphones. Besides research, my classic rock playlist was also inspired by Fraser: he loved classic rock, especially the Beatles. Needless to say, Fraser had the best music taste for chemistry, and the playlist worked miracles whenever I needed some inspirations.