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Third/Fourth Year




The process of writing an original research proposal (ORP) is broken down into three required parts. This multi-step strategy is intended to develop the skills needed for proposal writing in stages rather than in one concerted activity. These stages are (i) literature search and topic choice, accomplished through the construction of Quad Chart Proposals, and (ii) writing and defense of the full original research proposal.

By the final day of the summer academic quarter of the student’s 3rd year, the student is required to have three quad-chart proposals approved by all their thesis committee members (as indicated by their signatures on an approval form). This approval will occur through a single, one-hour meeting of the student with their three or four committee members. The student’s committee in the third year is their QE committee. 

During this committee meeting, the committee members will provide feedback on the quad chart proposals, and either approve three of them or ask the student to revise them before approval, in which case approval must occur through email or individual meetings with committee members.  It is strongly recommended that the student bring at least 4 quad charts to this meeting so that three can be chosen with which the student moves forward. The same three quad-chart proposals must be approved by all three members of their thesis committee (or four members if they have two advisors). 

Please bring the Quad Chart approval form to your individual committee meetings. The form must be signed by all committee members and returned to the chemistry main office (Tech K145).


During the fourth year (the deadline is the last day of the summer quarter in the fourth year). Between the 3rd year committee meeting and the end of the summer quarter of the fourth year, the student will develop their chosen quad chart outline into a full proposal (formatting details located in ORP Guidelines)

The student will then make a 30-minute presentation and defense of this ORP to their committee, in a ~1.5-2-hour format similar to that of the QE oral examination.  Begin scheduling this meeting at least 3-4 months in advance.

The student should reserve 2 hrs. for this exam, although it might take less time. The format is similar to the QE oral exam, where the student prepares a 30-minute presentation that mirrors and elaborates on the ORP written document and the faculty have the opportunity to ask questions about this or related material.

4th year ORP approval form 

Funding Extension Form  - To continue funding past the 4th year, a student must meet with their advisor to discuss research progress. If the student is in good standing, a funding extension form must be signed and returned to the graduate program assistant in the main office.