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Antonio Facchetti


Diploma in Industrial Chemistry: A. Righi Institute
Ph.D.: University of Milano

Dr. Antonio Facchetti obtained his Laurea degree in Chemistry cum laude and a Ph.D in Chemical Sciences from the University of Milan. In 2022 he joined the School of Material Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern and a Guest Professor at Linkoping University. He is a co-founder and the Chief Technology Officer of Flexterra Corporation.Prof. Facchetti has published more than 670 research articles, 14 book chapters, and holds more than 120 patents (H-index 132)

Dr. Facchetti’s research mainly focuses on Printed/Flexible/Stretchable/Sustainable Organic Electronics, Organic and Thin-Film Photovoltaic Cells, Transparent/Solution Processable Metal Oxide (MO) Electronics, Polymers for Energy Storage, using organic semiconductors as SERS-active platforms and investigate their integration into different sensor architectures, Organic Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors and Bioelectronics, exploring new organic semiconductors, dopants, and catalysts to elucidate the mechanism of the catalytic n-doping process and expanding the scope to other type of catalysts and integrate catalyzed-doped materials into devices.