Amy Rosenzweig
Ph.D.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1994

- Website
- 847-467-5301
- Mudd 4104
Weinberg Family Distinguished Professor of Life Sciences
Director, Keck Biophysics Facility
Chemistry of Life Processes Institute (CLP)
Research Statement
The Rosenzweig group is focused on understanding metalloprotein function on the molecular level. We use structural, spectroscopic, biochemical, genetic, and bioinformatic approaches to attack problems at the forefront of bioinorganic chemistry. Specific areas of interest include biological methane oxidation, oxygen activation by metalloenzymes, metal uptake and transport, and natural products biosynthesis.
Selected Publications
Fisher, O. S.; Sendzik, M. R.; Ross, M. O.; Lawton, T. J.; Hoffman, B. M.; Rosenzweig, A. C. PCuAC domains from methane-oxidizing bacteria use a histidine brace to bind copper. J. Biol. Chem. 2019, 294, 16351.
Kenney, G. E.; Dassama, L. M. K.; Manesis, A. C.; Ross, M. O.; Chen, S.; Hoffman, B. M.; Rosenzweig, A. C. MbnH is a diheme MauG-like protein associated with microbial copper homeostasis. J. Biol. Chem. 2019, 294, 16151.
Ro, S. Y.; Schachner, L. F.; Koo, C. W.; Purohit, R.; Remis, J. P.; Kenney, G. E.; Liauw, B. W.; Thomas, P. M.; Patrie, S. M.; Kelleher, N. L.; Rosenzweig, A. C. Native top-down mass spectrometry provides insights into the copper centers of membrane-bound methane monooxygenase. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 2675.
Ross, M. O.; MacMillan, F.; Wang, J.; Nisthal, A.; Lawton, T. J.; Olafson, B. D.; Mayo, S. L.; Rosenzweig, A. C.; Hoffman, B. M. Particulate methane monooxygenase contains only monocopper centers. Science 2019, 364, 566-570.
Ross, M. O.; Fisher, O. S.; Morgada, M. N.; Krzyaniak, M. D.; Wasielewski, M. R.; Vila, A. J.; Hoffman, B. M.; Rosenzweig, A. C. Formation and electronic structure of an atypical CuA site. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 4678-4686.
Fisher, O. S.; Kenney, G. E.; Ross, M. O.; Ro, S. Y.; Lemma, B. E.; Batelu, S.; Thomas, P. M.; Sosnowski, V. C.; DeHart, C. J.; Kelleher, N. L.; Stemmler, T. L.; Hoffman, B. M.; Rosenzweig, A. C. Characterization of a long overlooked copper protein from methane- and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 4276.
Deng, Y. W.; Ro, S. Y.; Rosenzweig, A. C. Structure and function of the lanthanide-dependent methanol dehydrogenase XoxF from the methanotroph Methylomicrobium buryatense 5GB1C. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2018, 7, 1037.
Ro, S. Y.; Ross, M. O.; Deng, Y. W.; Batelu, S.; Lawton, T. J.; Hurley, J. D.; Stemmler, T. L.; Hoffman, B. M.; Rosenzweig, A. C. From micelles to bicelles: effect of the membrane on particulate methane monooxygenase activity. J. Biol. Chem. 2018, 293, 10457-10465.
Park, Y. J.; Kenney, G. E.; Schachner, L. F.; Kelleher, N. L.; Rosenzweig, A. C. Repurposed HisC aminotransferases complete the biosynthesis of some methanobactins. Biochemistry 2018, 57, 3515-3523.
Kenney, G. E.; Dassama, L. M. K.; Pandelia, M.-E.; Gizzi, A. S.; Martinie, R. J.; Gao, P.; DeHart, C. J.; Schachner, L. F.; Skinner, O. S.; Ro, S. Y., Zhu, X.; Sadek, M.; Thomas, P. M.; Almo, S. C.; Bollinger, J. M., Jr.; Krebs, C.; Kelleher, N. L.; Rosenzweig, A. C. The biosynthesis of methanobactin. Science 2018, 359, 1411-1416.
Kenney, G. E.; Rosenzweig, A. C. Chalkophores. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 2018, 87, 645-676.
Purohit, R.; Ross, M. O.; Batelu, S.; Kusowski, A.; Stemmler, T. L.; Hoffman, B. M.; Rosenzweig, A. C. A Cu+-specific CopB transporter: revising P1B-type ATPase classification. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2018, 115, 2108-2113.
Selected Honors/Awards
- Elected Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2017
- Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2014
- Royal Society of Chemistry Joseph Chatt Award, 2014
- Ivano Bertini Award, 2014
- Fletcher Undergraduate Research Faculty Award, 2014
- Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007
- American Chemical Society Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education, 2006
- Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science, Amherst College, 2005
- MacArthur Fellow, 2003
- Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award, 2001
- David and Lucile Packard Fellow, 1999