Lin X. Chen
Ph.D.: University of Chicago

- Website
- 847-491-3479
- Tech L114
- Program Assistant: Ann Papesch
Research Statement
Our research goal is to establish relationships of energetics, dynamics and structures in photochemical and photophysical processes on different temporal and spatial scales. We are interested in studying light-matter interactions in terms of interplays of electrons and nuclei of molecular, nanostructured, supramolecular systems as well as solid materials related to solar energy conversion, catalysis, optoelectronic devices and enzymatic processes. Using a variety of experimental techniques, such as ultrafast optical and X-ray spectroscopy/scattering, as well as theoretical calculations through collaborations, we seek fundamental understandings of light-matter interactions and finding solutions for reduction energy losses, directional charge transfer and accumulation for optimized photochemical reactions. The results from our research provide feedback/guidance to materials design and synthesis.
Selected Publications
Spin-vibronic coherence drives intersystem crossing, Shahnawaz Rafiq, Nicholas P. Weingartz1, Sarah Kromer, Felix N. Castellano, Lin X. Chen, Nature DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06233-y (2023).
Revealing Excited State Trajectories on Potential Energy Surfaces with Atomic Resolution in Real Time, Denis Leshchev, Andrew J. S. Valentine, Pyosang Kim, Arnab Chakraborty, Elisa Biasin, Kristoffer Haldrup, Darren J. Hsu, Matthew S. Kirschner, Dolev Rimmerman, Matthieu Chollet, J. Michael Glownia, Tim Van Driel, Felix Castellano, Xiaosong Li, Lin X. Chen, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. (2023).
Large Exciton Diffusion Coefficients in Two Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks with Different Domain Sizes Revealed by Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics, Nathan C. Flanders, Matthew S. Kirschner, Pyosang Kim, Thomas J. Fauvell, Austin M. Evans, Waleed Helweh, Austin P. Spencer, Richard D. Schaller, William R. Dichtel, Lin X. Chen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2020).
In Situ Grazing-Incidence Wide-Angle Scattering Reveals Mechanisms for Phase Distribution and Disorientation in 2D Halide Perovskite Films. Hoffman, J. M.; Strzalka, J.; Flanders, N. C.; Hadar, I.; Cuthriell, S. A.; Zhang, Q.; Schaller, R. D.; Dichtel, W. R.; Chen, L. X.; Kanatzidis, M. G., Advanced Materials 2002812 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202002812 (2020).
Integrating solvation shell structure in experimentally driven molecular dynamics using x-ray solution scattering data, Darren J. Hsu, Denis Leshchev, Irina Kosheleva, Kevin L. Kohlstedt , and Lin X. Chen, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 204115 (2020).
X-ray snapshots reveal conformational influence on active site ligation during metalloprotein folding, Darren J. Hsu, Denis Leshchev, Dolev Rimmerman, Jiyun Hong, Matthew S. Kelley, Irina Koshelev, Xiaoyi Zhang, Lin X. Chen, Chem. Sci. 10, 9788–9800 (2019).
Photoinduced, reversible phase transitions in all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals, Kirschner, M. S.; Diroll, B. T.; Guo, P.; Haryey, S. M.; Helweh, W.; Flanders, N. C.; Brumberg, A.; Watkins, N. E.; Leonard, A. A.; Evans, A. M.; Wasielewski, M. R.; Dichtel, W. R.; Zhang, X.; Chen, L. X.; Schaller, R. D. Nature Communications 10, 504 (2019).
Coherent Vibrational Wavepacket Dynamics in Platinum(II) Dimers and Their Implications, Pyosang Kim, Matthew S. J. Kelley, Arnab Chakraborty, George C. Schatz, Felix N. Castellano, Lin X. Chen, J. Phys. Chem. C (invited for Kamat Special Issue) 122, 14195–14204 (2018).
Probing Cytochrome c Folding Transitions upon Photo-triggered Environmental Perturbations Using Time-Resolved X-Ray Scattering, Dolev Rimmerman, Denis Leshchev, Darren J. Hsu, Jiyun Hong, Baxter Abraham, Robert Henning, Irina Kosheleva, Lin X. Chen, J. Phys. Chem. B, 122, 5218−5224 (2018).
Using coherence to enhance function in chemical and biophysical systems, Scholes, G. D.; Fleming, G. R.; Chen, L. X.; Aspuru-Guzik, A.; Buchleitner, A.; Coker, D. F.; Engel, G. S.; van Grondelle, R.; Ishizaki, A.; Jonas, D. M.; Lundeen, J. S.; McCusker, J. K.; Mukamel, S.; Ogilvie, J. P.; Olaya-Castro, A.; Ratner, M. A.; Spano, F. C.; Whaley, K. B.; Zhu, X. Nature 543, 647-656 (2017).
Ultrafast Processes in the Relaxation of a Nickel(II) Porphyrin Described by Femtosecond X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Megan L. Shelby, Patrick J. Lestrange, Nicholas E. Jackson, Michael W. Mara, Kristoffer Haldrup, Andrew B. Stickrath, Diling Zhu, Henrik Lemke, Brian M. Hoffman, Xiaosong Li, Lin X. Chen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 8752–8764 (2016).
Selected Honors/Awards
- Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship, University of Hamburg, 2024
- Baker Lecturer, Cornell University, 2024
- Fellow of American Crystallography Association, 2022
- Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021
- Argonne Distinguished Fellow, 2020
- Senior Award of Experimental Physical Chemistry, ACS, 2020
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow, 2012
- Distinguished Performance Award at Argonne, 2002