Teri W. Odom
Ph.D.: Harvard University, 2001
NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship: Harvard University, 2002

- todom@northwestern.edu
- Website
- 847-491-7674
- Ryan 2014
- Program Assistant: Jessica Kooi
Joan Husting Madden and William H. Madden, Jr. Professor of Chemistry
International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN)
Chemistry of Life Processes Institute (CLP)
Northwestern Initiative for Manufacturing Science and Innovation (NIMSI)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Applied Physics
Research Statement
Our group focuses on designing structured nanoscale materials with exceptional properties. We make precious metals more precious by tuning the size and shape of noble metals at the nanoscale. We transform ordinary materials into extraordinary ones by controlling their architectures over multiple length scales. We use modeling to assist in understanding the properties of single structures as well as collective effects of assemblies of nanoparticles. Applications of our unique materials include nanomedicine, nano-lasing, photovoltaics, and bioimaging.
Selected Publications
F.M. Fasanelli, F. Freire-Fernández, and T.W. Odom, Adv. Opt. Mater. (2024). “Symmetry-Determined Lasing from Incommensurate Moiré Nanoparticle Lattices.”
N. Sinai, C. Dones Lassalle, J. Kelm, S. Patel, S.-M. Park, M. Tan, T.W. Odom, and J. Dempsey, Nano Lett. 24, 7491 (2024). “Electrochemical Control of Strong Coupling of CdSe Exciton-Polaritons in Plasmonic Cavities.”
F. Freire-Fernandez; N. Sinai, M. Tan, S.-M. Park, E. Koessler, T. Krauss, P. Huo, and T.W. Odom, ACS Nano 18, 15177 (2024). “Room-Temperature Polariton Lasing from CdSe core-only Nanoplatelets.”
M. Tan, S. Patel, J. Chiu, Z. Zheng, and T.W. Odom, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 154703 (2024). “Liquid Lasing from Solutions of Ligand-Engineered Semiconductor Nanocrystals.”
B. Diloknawarit, K. Lee, P. Choo, and T.W. Odom, ACS Nano 18, 12537-12546 (2024). “Nanoparticle Anisotropy Increases Targeting Interactions on Live-Cell Membranes.”
Y. Wu, K. Lee, B. Diloknawarit, and T. W. Odom, Nano Letters 24, 519-524 (2024). “Ligand Separation on Nanoconstructs Affects Targeting Selectivity to Protein Dimers on Cell Membranes.”
J. Jia, N. Metzkow, S.-M. Park, Y. L. Wu, A. D. Sample, B. Diloknawarit, I. Jung, and T. W. Odom, Nano Letters 23, 11260-11265 (2023). “Spike Growth on Patterned Gold Nanoparticle Scaffolds.”
J. Guan, J. Hu, Y. Wang, G.C. Schatz, and T.W. Odom, Nat. Nanotech. 18, 514-520 (2023). “Ultralong-range Coupling of Moiré Photonic Lattices.”
J. Guan, J.-E. Park, S. Deng, M.J. Tan, J. Hu, and T.W. Odom, Chem. Rev. 19, 15177-15203 (2022). “Light-Matter Interactions in Hybrid Material Metasurfaces.”
K. Lee, I. Jung, and T. W. Odom, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 5274-5279 (2022). “Delivery Order of Nanoconstructs Affects Intracellular Trafficking by Endosomes.”
A. D. Sample, J. Guan, J. Hu, T. Reese, C. R. Cherqui, J. Park, F. Freire-Fernandez, R. D. Schaller, G. C. Schatz, and T. W. Odom, Nano Lett. 21, 7775-7780 (2021). “Strong Coupling Between Plasmons and Molecular Excitons in Metal-Organic Frameworks.”
P. Choo, T. Liu, and T.W. Odom, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 4550-4555 (2021). “Nanoparticle Shape Determines Dynamics of Targeting Nanoconstructs on Cell Membranes.”
D. Bhowmik, K.S.B. Culver, T. Liu, and T.W. Odom, ACS Nano 13, 13637 (2019). “Resolving Single-Nanoconstruct Dynamics during Targeting and Nontargeting Live-Cell Membrane Interactions.”
W.K. Lee, C.J. Engel, M.D. Huntington, J. Hu, and T.W. Odom, Nano Letters 15, 5624 (2015). “Controlled Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Structuring by Memory-Based, Sequential Wrinkling.”
W. Zhou, M. Dridi, J.Y. Suh, C.H. Kim, D.T. Co, M.R. Wasielewski, G.C. Schatz, and T.W. Odom, Nature Nanotech. 8, 506 (2013). “Lasing action in strongly coupled plasmonic nanocavity arrays.”
D.H.M. Dam, J. Lee, P. Sisco, D. Co, M. Zhang, M.R. Wasielewski, and T.W. Odom, ACS Nano. 6, 3318 (2012). “Direct Observation of Nanoparticle-Cancer Cell Nucleus Interactions.”
J. Henzie, M.H. Lee, and T.W. Odom, Nature Nanotech. 2, 549 (2007). “Multiscale Patterning of Plasmonic Metamaterials.”
Selected Honors/Awards
- Guggenheim Fellowship, 2024
- SPIE Mozi Award, 2024
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Member, 2023
- SPIE Senior Member, 2023
- AVS Prairie Chapter Outstanding Research Award, 2023
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow, 2022
- American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) Fellow, 2022
- John Crano Memorial Lecturer, Akron Section of the ACS, 2022
- American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AmAcad) Member, 2020
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Centenary Prize, 2020
- Editor-in-Chief, Nano Letters, 2020
- American Chemical Society (ACS) Award in Surface Chemistry, 2020
- Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA), 2019
- Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), 2018
- Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) Cottrell Scholar TREE Award, 2018
- U.S. Department of Defense Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, 2017
- Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS), 2016
- Associated Student Government (ASG) Faculty Honor Roll (Weinberg, Chemistry), 2016 - 2017
- Materials Research Society (MRS) Fellow, 2016
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2014
- American Chemical Society (ACS) Akron Section Award, 2013
- Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Fellow (Hrdy Fellow), Harvard University, 2011
- Defense Science Study Group Member, 2010
- MRS Outstanding Young Investigator Award, 2009
- ACS National Fresenius Award (Phi Lambda Upsilon and ACS), 2008
- NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, 2008
- Cottrell Scholar Award (RCSA), 2005
- David and Lucile Packard Fellowship, 2003-2007
- Victor K. LaMer Award (ACS Colloids and Surface Chemistry), 2003
- Research Innovation Award (RCSA), 2002