Thomas J. Meade
NIH Fellow Harvard Medical School 1985-1987
Postdoctoral Fellow CalTech 1988-1990

- Website
- 847-491-2481
- Silverman 2504
- Program Assistant: Jody Shell
Eileen M. Foell Chair in Cancer Research
Director of the Center for Advanced Molecular Imaging (CAMI)
Professor of Chemistry
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cell Biology
Professor of Neurobiology & Physiology
Professor of Radiology
Charles Deering McCormick Professorship of Teaching Excellence
Chemistry of Life Processes Institute (CLP)
Research Statement
The Meade Lab research focuses on inorganic coordination chemistry for the study of molecular imaging of in vivo gene expression and intracellular messengers, transition metal enzyme inhibitors, and electronic biosensors. The design, synthesis and physical properties of transition metal and lanthanide coordination complexes are the foundation of our research.
Selected Publications
Mitrut RE, Stranford DM, DiBiase BN, Chan JM, Bailey MD, Luo M, Harper CS, Meade TJ, Wang M, Leonard JN, J Extracell Vesicles. 2024 Jul; 13(7): e12469-.
Development of Ln(III) Derivatives as 19F Parashift Probes.
Kaster MA, Caldwell MA, Meade TJ, Inorg Chem. 2024 May; 63(21): 9877-9887.
Molecular Engineering of Self-Immolative Bioresponsive MR Probes.
Tang J-H, Li H, Yuan C, Parigi G, Luchinat C, Meade TJ, J Am Chem Soc. 2023 May; 145(18): 10045-
Engineered Non-Viral Protein Cages Modified for MR Imaging
Kaster, M.; Levasseur, M.; Edwardson, T.; Caldwell, M.; Hofmann, D.; Licciardi, G.; Parigi, G.; Luchinat, C.; Hilvert, D.; Meade, TJ. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2023, ASAP.
Molecular Bio-Sensors and the Role of Metal Ions
Edited by Meade, TJ. ISBN 9781032135786. Published September 27, 2022 by CRC Press.
Dukes, M.; Modo, M.; Meade, TJ. CRC Press, 2022; pp 261-286.
Dukes, M.; Meade, TJ. Biomedicines, 2022, 10, 2376.
Delivery of Targeted Co(III)-DNA Inhibitors of Gli Proteins to Disrupt Hedgehog Signaling
Dukes, M.; Bajema, E.; Whittemore, T.; Holmgren, R.; Meade, TJ. Bioconjugate Chem., 2022, 33, 643–653.
Functional Disruption of Gli1-DNA Recognition via a Cobalt(III) Complex
Brue, C.; Dukes, M.; Masotti, M.; Holmgren, R.; Meade, TJ. ChemMedChem, 2022, 17, e2022000.
Li, H., Lou, D., Yuan, C., Wang, X., Wang, J., Basilion, J., Meade, T.J., “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of PSMA-positive Prostate Cancer by a Targeted & Activatable Gd(III) MR Contrast Agent.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2021), 143, 17097–17108.
Taghian, T., et al., “Real-Time MR Tracking of AAV Gene Therapy with Enzyme-Activated MR Probes.” Molecular Therapy: Methods and Clinical Development., (2021), 29, 128-134.
Adams, CJ., Meade, TJ., “Towards Imaging Pt Chemoresistance Using Gd(III)-Pt(II Theranostic MR Contrast Agents.” Chem. Med. Chem. (2021), 16, 1-10.
McLeod, SM., Meade, TJ., “Magnetic Resonance Theranostics: An Overview of Gadolinium(III)-based Strategies and Magnetic Particle Imaging.” Metal Ions in Life Sciences, (A. Sigel, E. Freisinger and R. Sigel, eds.) Vol. 22, (2021), 347–370.
Adams, CJ., Meade, TJ., “Imaging Bacteria with Contrast-Enhanced MR.” Metal Ions in Life Sciences., (A. Sigel, E. Freisinger and R. Sigel, eds.) Vol. 22, (2021), 425-435.
Lilley LM, Kamper S, Caldwell M, Chia ZK, Mallweg D, Vistain L, Krimmel J, Mills TA, MacRenaris K, Lee P, Waters EA, Meade TJ. “Self Immolative Activation of β-Galactosidase-Responsive Probes for In Vivo MR Imaging in Mouse Models.” Angew Chem Int. Ed. Engl., (2020), 59, 388-394.
Adams C., Meade TJ., “Gd(III)-Pt(IV) Theranostic contrast agents for tandem MR imaging and chemotherapy.” Chemical Science, (2020), 11, 2524-2530.
Long, Yi-Tao., Meade, TJ., “Advances in Optical and Electrochemical Techniques for Biomedical Imaging.” Chemical Science, (2020), 11, 6940-6941.
Adams C., Krueger R., Meade TJ.,“A Multimodal Ca(II) Responsive Near IR-MR Contrast Agent Exhibiting High Cellular Uptake." ACS Chemical Biology, (2020), 15, 334-341.
McLeod, SM, Robison, L., Parigi, G., Olszewski, RJ., Drout, X., Gong, TI., Luchinat, C., Farha, O., Meade, TJ., “Maximizing Magnetic Resonance Contrast in Gd(III) Nanoconjugates: Investigation of Proton Relaxation in Zirconium Metal–Organic Frameworks.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2020), 12, 41157-41166.
Roberts, KF., Brue, CR., Preston, A., Baxter, D., Herzog, E., Varelas, E., Meade, TJ., “Cobalt(III) Schiff Base complexes stabilize non-fibrillar amyloid-β aggregates with reduced toxicity.” J. Inorg. Biochem., (2020), 213, 111265-111275.
Luo, D., Johnson, A., Wang, X., Li, H., Erokwu, BO., Springer, S., Jason Lou, J., Ramamurthy, G., Flask, CA., Clemens Burda, C., Basilion, JP., Meade, TJ., “Targeted Radio-sensitizers for MR-Guided Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer.” Nano Letters, (2020), 20, 7159-7167.
Caldwell, MA., Brue, CR., Whittemore, TJ., Meade, TJ., “A Ln(III)-3-hydroxypyridine pH responsive probe optimized by DFT.” RSC Advances, (2020), 10, 8994–8999.
Adams C., Meade TJ., “Gd(III)-Pt(IV) Theranostic contrast agents for tandem MR imaging and chemotherapy.” Chemical Science, (2020), in press.
Adams C., Krueger R., Meade TJ.,“A Multimodal Ca(II) Responsive Near IR-MR Contrast Agent Exhibiting High Cellular Uptake." ACS Chemical Biology, (2020), in press.
Lilley LM, Kamper S, Caldwell M, Chia ZK, Mallweg D, Vistain L, Krimmel J, Mills TA, MacRenaris K, Lee P, Waters EA, Meade TJ. “Self Immolative Activation of β-Galactosidase-Responsive Probes for In Vivo MR Imaging in Mouse Models.” Angew Chem Int.Ed Engl., (2020), 59, 388-394. PMCID: PMC6923588.
Li H, Meade TJ. “Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Gd(III)-Based Contrast Agents: Challenges and Key Advances.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141, 43, 17025-17041. PMCID: PMC6821590.
Moore LK, Caldwell MA, Townsend TR, MacRenaris KW, Moyle-Heyrman G, Rammohan N, Schonher EK, Burdette JE, Ho D, Meade TJ. “Water-Soluble Nanoconjugate for Enhanced Cellular Delivery of Receptor-Targeted Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agents.” Biocon. Chem., (2019), 30, 2947-2957. PMCID: PMC6868311.
Iscen A, Brue CR, Roberts KF, Kim J, Schatz GC, Meade TJ. ”Inhibition of Amyloid-β Aggregation by Cobalt(III) Schiff Base Complexes: A Computational and Experimental Approach.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141, 16685-16695.
Bajema EA, Roberts KF, Meade TJ, "Cobalt-Schiff Base Complexes: Preclinical Research and Potential Therapeutic Uses." Metal Ions in Life Sciences, (A. Sigel, E. Freisinger and R. Sigel, eds.) Vol. 19., Chapter 11, (2019), 4267-4301.
Li H, Parigi G, Luchinat C, Meade TJ. “A Bimodal Fluorescence-Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agent for Apoptosis Imaging.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141 (15), 6224-6233 DOI: PMCID: PMC6939894.
Hanson, ED., Lilley LM., Cain JD., Shiqiang H., Palacios E., Aydin K., Wolverton C., Meade TJ., Dravid, VP., “Phase engineering and optical properties of 2D MoSe2: Promise and pitfalls.” Materials Chemistry and Physics, (2019), 225, 219-226.
Rotz MW, Holbrook RJ, MacRenaris KW, Meade TJ. "A Markedly Improved Synthetic Approach for the Preparation of Multifunctional Au-DNA Nanoparticle Conjugates Modified with Optical and MR Imaging Probes." Bioconjugate Chemistry, (2018), 29, 11, 3544-3549. PMCID: PMC6268127.
LM Lilley, K Du, MD Krzyaniak, G Parigi, C Luchinat, TD Harris and TJ Meade. "Effect of Magnetic Coupling on Water Proton Relaxivity in a Series of Transition Metal-Gd(III) Complexes" Inorg Chem (2018), 57(10), 5810-5819. PMCID: PMC6016852.
Sleep E, Cosgrove BD, McClendon MT, Preslar, AT, Chen CH, Sangjie MH, Perez CMR, Haynes RD, Meade TJ, Blau HM, Stupp SI."Injectable Biomimetic Liquid Crystalline Scaffolds Enhance Muscle Stem Cell Transplantation." PNAS (2017), 114(38), E7919-E7928. PMCID: PMC5617293.
Selected Honors / Awards
- Investiture: The Charles McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence, NU (2021)
- World Molecular Imaging Society Gold Medal Award for Pioneering Imaging (2020)
- Gold Medal Award for Molecular Imaging: California Institute of Technology (2020)
- George Fisher Baker Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Cornel University (2019)
- Fellow, National Academy of Inventors (2017)
- Stony Brook University Franklin Award Lecture (2017)
- Mahler Lecturer, University of Texas, Austin (2016)
- Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (2016)
- Associate Editor, Chemical Science (2016)
- Elected Fellow, National Academy of Inventors (2016)
- Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (2016)
- The J. Stieglitz Award: University of Chicago and the American Chemical Society (2016)
- Elected Fellow, American Association of Advancement of Science (2015)
- Hill Lecturer, Duke University (2014)
- Catalyst Award, Northwestern University and the City of Evanston (2014)
- Fellow of the World Molecular Imaging Society (2012)
- Fellow of the American Chemical Society (2011)
- Society for Molecular Imaging Annual Exceptional Achievement Award
- Musselman Award for Visiting Scientist (2010)
- Illinois Biotechnology Industry Organization (iBIO) iCON Innovator Award (2009)
- Miller Professor, University of California Berkeley (2009)
- Northwestern University Excellence in Teaching Award (2008)
- William Beaumont Award: Wayne County Medical Society (2007)
- Allen & Constance Ford Distinguished Award, CaseWestern ReserveUniversity (2006)
- Eileen Foell Chair in Cancer Research, Northwestern University, (2005)
- Elected President – Society of Molecular Imaging - Membership>1,000 Chair (2005)
- Committee - Imaging in 2020 IV, (2005)
- FMC Award - Princeton University, (2004)
- Elkin Distinguished Investigators Cancer Lecturer, Emory University (2003)
- Neuroscience Award Lecture, Society for Neuro-Oncology (November 2002)
- National Academy of Engineering Lecturer, Cleveland, Ohio, (2000)