Xiaoyu Zhang
Assistant Professor
M.S.: Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2011
Ph.D.: Cornell University, 2017

- zhang@northwestern.edu
- Website
- 847-491-4441
- Tech L214
- Program Assistant: Anne Muller
Chemistry of Life Processes Institute (CLP)
Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences Graduate Program (IBiS)
International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN)
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Feinberg School of Medicine
Center for Human Immunobiology, Feinberg School of Medicine
Research Statement
My research group aims to leverage innovative chemical biology approaches to expand the druggable proteome of human cells and discover chemical probes for protein targets that remain therapeutically inaccessible. We are approaching this mission from three angles : 1) Developing chemical tools and technologies to advance targeted protein degradation; 2) Developing novel chemical modalities to target immunological pathways; and 3) Expanding the druggable landscape of the cell surface proteome.
Selected Publications
Zhang C*, Zhou C*, Magassa A, Jing X, Fang D, Zhang X. A platform for mapping reactive cysteines within the immunopeptidome. Nat. Commun., 15 (2024) 9698. (*equal contribution)
Basu AA, Zhang C, Riha IA, Magassa A, Campos MA, Caldwell AG, Ko F, Zhang X. A CRISPR activation screen identifies FBXO22 supporting targeted protein degradation. Nat. Chem. Biol., (2024) [DOI: 10.1038/s41589-024-01655-9].
Zhang X†, Cravatt BF†. Chemical Proteomics–Guided Discovery of Covalent Ligands for Cancer Proteins. Annu. Rev. Cancer Biol.. 8 (2024)155-175. (†co-corresponding authors)
Kramer LT and Zhang X. Expanding the landscape of E3 ligases for targeted protein degradation. Curr. Res. Chem. Biol., 2 (2022) 1-5.
Tao Y†, Remillard D, Vinogradova EV, Yokoyama M, Banchenko S, Schwefel D, Melillo B, Schreiber SL, Zhang X† and Cravatt BF†. Targeted Protein Degradation by Electrophilic PROTACs that Stereoselectively and Site-Specifically Engage DCAF1. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 14 (2022) 18688-18699. (†co-corresponding authors)
Zhang X, Luukkonen LM, Eissler CL, Crowley VM, Yamashita Y, Schafroth MA, Kikuchi S, Weinstein DS, Symons KT, Nordin BE, Rodriguez JL, Wucherpfennig TG, Bauer L, Dix MM, Stamos D, Kinsella TM, Simon GM, Baltgalvis KA and Cravatt BF. DCAF11 supports targeted protein degradation by electrophilic proteolysis-targeting chimeras. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143 (2021) 5141-5149.
Zhang X, Thielert M, Li H and Cravatt BF. SPIN4 is a principal endogenous substrate of the E3 ubiquitin ligase DCAF16. Biochemistry. 60 (2021) 637-642.
Zhang X, Crowley VM, Wucherpfennig TG, Dix MM, Cravatt BF. Electrophilic PROTACs that degrade nuclear proteins by engaging DCAF16. Nat. Chem. Biol., 15 (2019) 737-746.
Vinogradova EV, Zhang X, Remillard D, Lazar DC, Suciu RM, Wang Y, Bianco G, Yamashita Y, Crowley VM, Schafroth MA, Yokoyama M, Konrad DB, Lum KM, Simon GM, Kemper EK, Lazear MR, Yin S, Blewett MM, Dix MM, Nguyen N, Shokhirev MN, Chin EN, Lairson LL, Melillo B, Schreiber SL, Forli S, Teijaro JR, Cravatt BF. An Activity-Guided Map of Electrophile-Cysteine Interactions in Primary Human Immune Cells. Cell, 182 (2020) 1-18.
Zhang X, Cao J, Miller SP, Jing H, Lin H. Comparative nucleotide-dependent interactome analysis reveals shared and differential properties of KRas4a and KRas4b. ACS Cent. Sci., 4 (2018) 71-80.
Zhang X, Spiegelman NA, Nelson OD, Jing H, Lin H. SIRT6 regulates Ras-related protein R-Ras2 by lysine defatty-acylation. eLife, 6 (2017) e25158.
Zhang X, Khan S, Jiang H, Antonyak MA, Chen X, Spiegelman NA, Shrimp JH, Cerione RA, Lin H. Identifying the functional contribution of the defatty-acylase activity of SIRT6. Nat. Chem. Biol., 12 (2016) 614-620.
Jing H*, Zhang X*, Wisner SA, Chen X, Spiegelman NA, Linder ME, Lin H. SIRT2 and lysine fatty acylation regulate the oncogenic activity of K-Ras4a. eLife, 6 (2017) e32436. (*equal contribution)
Jiang H*, Zhang X*, Lin H. Lysine fatty acylation promotes lysosomal targeting of TNF-α. Sci. Rep., 6 (2016) 24371. (*equal contribution)
He B*, Hu J*, Zhang X*, Lin H. Thiomyristoyl peptides as cell-permeable Sirt6 inhibitors. Org. Biomol. Chem., 12 (2014) 7498-7502. (*equal contribution)
Selected Honors/Awards
- Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA), 2024
- CLP Convergence Research Award, 2024
- American Cancer Society IRG Pilot Award, 2024
- Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Innovation Research Award, 2023
- Falk Medical Research Trust Catalyst Award, 2022
- CLP Cornew Innovation Award, 2022
- Ono Pharma Breakthrough Science Initiative Award, 2022
- Damon Runyon-Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists, 2022
- Illumina Pilot Award, 2022
- NCI-SPORE in Prostate Cancer Career Enhancement Program Award, 2022
- The NIH Pathway to Independence Award, 2020
- Keystone Symposia Future of Science Fund Scholarship, 2020
- Damon Runyon Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, 2018
- Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad, 2018
- Bayer Teaching Excellence Award of Cornell University, 2013
- Eli Lilly Asia Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award, 2011
- Chu Kochen Scholarship of Zhejiang University, 2010