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Mark A. Ratner

Professor Emeritus

B.A.: Harvard 1964
Ph.D.: Northwestern 1969


Lawrence B. Dumas Distinguished University Professor

Research Statement

Ongoing research in seven major areas of chemistry: nonlinear optical response properties of molecules; electron transfer and molecular electronics; quantum dynamics and relaxation in condensed phase; mean-field models for extended systems, including proteins and molecular assemblies; photonics in nanoscale systems; excitons in molecule-based photovoltaics and hybrid classical/quantum representations

Selected Publications

Aviram, A. & Ratner, M.A. Molecular Rectifiers. Chem. Phys. Lett. 29, 277 (1974).

Mujica, V., Kemp, M. & Ratner, M. A. Electron conduction in molecular wires. I. A scattering formalism. J. Chem. Phys. 101 6849-6855 (1994).

Nitzan A, Ratner M. A., Electron transport in molecular wire junctions Science 300 1384-1389 (2003)

Vura-Weis J, Abdelwahed SH, Shukla R, Rathoire R, Ratner, MA and Wasielewski, MR. Crossover from Single-Step Tunneling to Multistep Hopping for Molecular Triplet Energy Transfer. Science 328, 1547-1550 (2010)

Selected Honors/Awards

  • Fellow, AAAS (1992)
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2001)
  • Feynman Award in Nanotechnology (2001)
  • Member, National Academy of Science (2002)
  • Member, International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (2003)
  • Langmuir Award, American Chemical Society (2004)
  • Honorary ScD. Hebrew university (2005), University of Copenhagen (2010)
  • ACS J. Willard Gibbs Medal (2012)
  • Northwestern Alumni Merit Award (2014)
  • ACS Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry (2016)