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Celebrating the Class of 2024

June 5, 2024

As Graduation Weekend approaches, we want to take a moment to celebrate our 2024 graduates by sharing their stories. We reached out to our chemistry graduates to share influential moments from their time at Northwestern Chemistry. 



Brittney Williams (Gianneschi)

Brittney WilliamsCan you share a memorable experience or project from your time in the chemistry program?

My most memorable experience was being able to submit a patent application for the water-soluble chemotherapy formulation I created during my research at Northwestern.

What is a lesson or memory you will carry with you once you leave Northwestern Chemistry?

People always say diamonds are made under pressure and getting a doctorate is no different. The program is challenging but worth it in every way. I was challenged in ways I didn't know were possible, but I can leave Northwestern Chemistry as a better chemist and person because of it. The relationships I created in the department will be with me for the rest of my life.

What are your next steps after graduation?

I am moving to DC to start a position as a Research Staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses in the Naval Warfare division.

Learn more about Brittney  

Waleed Helweh (Chen)

Waleed HelwehDo you have a faculty member who made a strong impact on you? Why?

Professor Stephanie Knezz has made a tremendous impact on me. She has always been a strong advocate for students, higher education, and creating a more inclusive space in our department and classrooms. Professor Knezz is a large reason why I have decided to continue working to support and advance equitable teaching in higher education after my graduation.

Learn more about Waleed



RJ Cassem (Farha)

RJ CassemCan you share a memorable experience or project from your time in the chemistry program?

A surprising amount of Chemistry is simply trying to replicate what has already been done in nature. I think that's an extremely potent lesson in a modern world where we sometimes suffer from the delusion that nature's laws don't apply to us. 

Do you have a faculty member who made a strong impact on you? Why?

I owe a lot to Dr. Omar Farha for first inspiring me and then allowing me to join his group. It has been an amazing experience and I have learned so much!

What is your favorite molecule or element?

I have a love-hate relationship with Cerium. It has so many potential applications in Metal-Organic Frameworks, but it can be very picky about what conditions it chooses to behave in!

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan on sticking around for the Summer to finish up my research in the Farha Group before heading to Enid, Oklahoma to begin my pilot training for the United States Air Force.