Assistant Professor Julia Kalow receives the 2023 ACS Award in Pure Chemistry
September 20, 2022
Assistant Professor Julia Kalow of the chemistry department at Northwestern University was named the 2023 ACS Award in Pure Chemistry awardee.
According to the ACS website:
The award serves to recognize and encourage fundamental research in pure chemistry carried out in North America by young men and women. A nominee must have fewer than 10 years of experience since his/her terminal degree and must have accomplished research of unusual merit for an individual on the threshold of her or his career. Special consideration is given to independence of thought and originality in the research, which must have been carried out in North America.
“Julia’s research goal is to understand and manipulate polymeric materials through the lens of physical organic chemistry, in particular using light to control polymer synthesis and properties. Her group’s work has been recognized with the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award, a NSF CAREER award, and the Sloan Research Fellowship.”
Learn more about the award and its recipients on the ACS website.
Find out more about the professor on the Kalow lab’s website.