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Winter 2024 Class Schedule

CHEM 105-8-03First-Year Writing SeminarHatchTTh  11:00
CHEM 105-8-04First-Year Writing SeminarSargentTTh   2:00
CHEM 131-0-01Fundamentals of Chemistry IK. HunterMWF  11:00Th 11:00
CHEM 131-0-02Fundamentals of Chemistry INemrMWF  12:00Th 12:00
CHEM 141-0-01Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory INemrT  11:00Lab: Th or F afternoon
CHEM 141-0-02Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory INemrT  12:00Lab: Th or F afternoon
CHEM 152-0-01General Chemistry IIB. HunterMTW  9:00Th 9:00
CHEM 152-0-02General Chemistry IIBethelMTW  10:00Th 10:00
CHEM 162-0-01General Chemistry Laboratory IIGesmundoF  9:00Lab: M, T, or W afternoon
CHEM 162-0-02General Chemistry Laboratory IIGesmundoF  10:00Lab: M, T, or W afternoon
CHEM 172-0Advanced General Physical ChemistryTempelaarTWF  1:00Th 1:00
CHEM 182-0Advanced General Physical Chemistry LaboratoryBernsM  1:00Lab: W or Th afternoon
CHEM 215-2-01Organic Chemistry IIKnezzMTW  9:00F 9:00
CHEM 215-2-02Organic Chemistry IINguyenMTW  10:00F 10:00
CHEM 215-2-03Organic Chemistry IIKnezzMTW  11:00F 11:00
CHEM 217-2Accelerated Organic Chemistry IIApareceMTWF  9:00
CHEM 235-2-01Organic Chemistry Lab IINelsonTh  9:00Lab: M, T, W, Th, or F afternoon
CHEM 235-2-02Organic Chemistry Lab IINelsonTh   10:00Lab: M, T, W, Th, or F afternoon
CHEM 235-2-03Organic Chemistry Lab IINelsonTh  11:00Lab: M, T, W, Th, or F afternoon
CHEM 237-2Accelerated Organic Chemistry Lab IIApareceTh   9:00Lab: T, W, or Th afternoon
CHEM 306/406Environmental ChemistryFarhaTTh  3:30
CHEM 319/419Advanced Organic Synthesis - Concepts and ApplicationsThomsonMWF  10:00
CHEM 342-2Quantum Mechanics and SpectroscopyGeigerMWThF  11:00
CHEM 350-2Advanced Laboratory 2Northrup/FarhaMWF  9:00Lab: MW or TTh 1-6
CHEM 410-0Physical Organic ChemistryWasielewskiTTh  9:30
CHEM 411-0Organic SpectroscopyOwen/ZhangMWF 11:00  Lab: MW or TTh afternoon
CHEM 432-0X-Ray CrystallographyMalliakas/SternTTh  8:00Lab: Th morning
CHEM 434-0Inorganic ChemistryPoeppelmeierTTh  9:30
CHEM 442-2Quantum ChemistrySchatzMWF  9:00
CHEM 443Kinetics and Spectroscopy: Chemical kinetics and dynamics of atoms, molecules, and materials in gas and condensed phasesGaynorMWF  10:00
CHEM 445-0Advanced Physical Chemistry: Magnetic ResonanceHanMWF  11:00