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Spring 2025 Class Schedule

CHEM 105-8-05First-Year Writing SeminarKnezzTTh  11:00
CHEM 105-8-06First-Year Writing SeminarK. HunterTTh  11:00
CHEM 132-0-01Fundamentals of Chemistry IIBernsMTWF  10:00
CHEM 132-0-02Fundamentals of Chemistry IINemrMTWF  11:00
CHEM 142-0-01Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory IIBethelTh  10:00Lab: T or W afternoon
CHEM 142-0-02Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory IIBethelTh  11:00Lab: T or W afternoon
CHEM 201-0Chemistry of Nature and CultureBethelMWF   10:00
CHEM 215-1Organic Chemistry IDichtelMTWF  10:00(CHEM 235-1 Lab Required)
CHEM 215-3Organic Chemistry IIISilvermanMTWTh  9:00(CHEM 235-3 Lab Required)
CHEM 217-3Accelerated Organic Chemistry IIIScheidtMTWTh  9:00(CHEM 235-3 Lab Required)
CHEM 220-0Introductory Instrumental AnalysisHupp/GesmundoMWF  10:00Lab: M, T, W, or Th afternoon
CHEM 235-1Organic Chemistry Lab INelsonTh  10:00Lab: M or T afternoon
CHEM 235-3Organic Chemistry Lab IIINelsonF  9:00Lab: W or Th afternoon
CHEM 309/409Polymer ChemistryKalowTTh  9:30
CHEM 314/415Principles of Chemical BiologyZhangTTh  8:00
CHEM 316/415Medicinal Chemistry: The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and ActionSilvermanTTh  11:00
CHEM 342-3Kinetics and Statistical ThermodynamicsGeigerMWThF  11:00
CHEM 348-0Physical Chemistry for ISPHoffman/GaynorMTWThF  11:00
CHEM 350-3Advanced Laboratory 3NorthrupMWF  9:00MW or TTh 1:00-6:00 Lab
CHEM 393/493Green ChemistryApereceMW  11:00
CHEM 416-0Practical Training in Chemical Biology Methods and Experimental DesignKelleherMWF  11:00
CHEM 435-0-02/445-0-02Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: Chemistry of Alternate EnergyHuppTTh  11:00
CHEM 445-0-01Advanced Physical Chemistry: Modern SpectroscopyChenTTh  9:30
Chem 519Responsible Conduct of Research TrainingHuppW  12:00